John Bohan III

John is an active duty Navy Chief Petty Officer retiring September 2023 and The Honor Foundation Alum.

He brings 20 years of leadership and experience working within Naval Medicine and the United States Marine Corps as a Fleet Marine Force (FMF) Hospital Corpsman, Special Amphibious Reconnaissance Corpsman (SARC), and FMF Reconnaissance Independent Duty Corpsman.

In his last assignment, he served as Senior Enlisted Medical Advisor for a Marine Special Operations Company, where he was responsible for training and equipping 100+ Marine Raiders for combat operations in the CENTCOM AOR. He also served as senior SOIDC on two Marine Special Operation Teams as the lead SOF medical advisor.

John’s previous duty stations include Okinawa, Japan, Camp Pendleton, and San Diego, CA, where he served as Course Chief and Chief Instructor for Field Medical Training Battalion – West, 3D Force Reconnaissance Company SARC and Assistant Team Leader, 2nd Battalion/4th Marines Scout Sniper Platoon Corpsman, 2nd Battalion/7th Marines Platoon Corpsman and Medical Surgical Ward Corpsman at Naval Medical Center San Diego. 

John received his medical training from Joint Special Operations Medical Training Center, FT Bragg, completing the Special Operations Combat Medic (SOCM) and Special Forces Medical Sergeant (SFMS) courses. He has multiple deployments across the globe.