Doug “Boots” Hodge

“Boots” is passionate over a few things. His focus for his entire career since 1972 has been pre-hosptial care. As a USN Corpsman and USAF PA, “Boots” has been on a crusade to understand medical provider errors as a result of bad training, and medical mistakes causing death or dismemberment.

“Boots” has been successful in getting the FDA to make major industry changes through changes in packaging instructions and warnings on medical devices, removing dangerous hemostatic agents from the market, and demonstrating to the FDA & medical industry incorrect cell lines usage for testing safety of hemostatics.

“Boots” has also discovered counterfeit inferior medical items used in life saving interventions and developed discovery processes for medical equipment and identified medical procedure failures involving military members Killed In Action. The process is now know as “feedback from the field” and gets sent to medical instructors and providers for continuous improvement for combat casualty care.